Kodak Speech Collection: Results

Speaker Title Date
Beach, N.F.Informed Career (V): Kodak Park Confidential 1970
Hargrave, T.J.Introductory Remarks to Clergy 1950
Beach, Norman F.Kodak Park Confidential: The Behind-the-Scenes Story the Other Tours Don't Ever Show You 1968
McMaster, DonaldManagement's Interest In the "Human Side" of the Business 1950
Beach, Norman F.Norm Beach's Kodak Park: Still Another Guideed Tour of Sorts 1971
Fewster, J. DonaldNotes from A.I.B. plant Visit 1950
Stuber, AdolphRemarks Before Medical Society 1950
Vaughn, William S.Remarks before the Medical Society of the County of Monroe 1962
McMaster, DonaldRemarks before University of Rochester Faculty and Wives 1951
Vaughn, William S.Remarks for "Local Firms with National Ownership" Visit to Kodak Park 1964
Hargrave, T.J.Remarks to Faculties of Catholic High Schools 1950
McMaster, DonaldRemarks to Pastors' Union and Divinity School 1950
Stuber, AdolphRemarks to Rochester Dental Society 1950
Chapman, Albert K.Remarks to visiting members of the National Federation of Financial Analysts Societies 1960
Staud, C.J.Research and Development in the Kodak Organization 1960
Dill, M.V.Speech Before Visitors to Kodak Park 1949
Kirby, GilSpeech to Greece Teachers Visiting Kodak 1958

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